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Cold Springs Harbor Laboratory Genome Engineering : CRISPR Frontiers

Confidence is the currency of science. 

Learn why companies choose IDT and why IDT scores high in product offerings - especially for our CRISPR workflow. 

IDT will be participating in the GENOME ENGINEERING:CRISPR Frontiers 2021 virtually this year. You are cordially invited to participate in the seventh Cold Springs harbor meeting on Genome Engineering: CRISPR Frontiers. The specific goal for this meeting is to foster fruitful and creative interactions between researchers interested in applying these systems genome engineering and related advances in a wide variety of organisms, together with scientist studying the basic biology of CRISPR and related defense systems. The conference starts late morning EST on Wednesday, August 18. and ends late afternoon EST on Friday, August 20.  

 * CRISPR Biology 
 * Technology 
 * Gene Therapy and Delivery 
 *  DNA Damage Repair 
 * Structure / Biochemistry 
 IDT CRISPR Workshop Thursday, August 19, 2021 5:300 - 7:00 pm EST. 

An end-to-end solution for CRISPR genome editing featuring the rhAMPSeq™ CRISPR Analysis System

  • CRISPR genome editing is a powerful tool that continues to expand in its range of use but has required precision sensitivity and specific related to design and delivery, as well as high-quality underlying reagents to succeed. Our scientist have developed new technologies that improve these success metrics to save you time and resources.

Join us to learn about our range of functional genomics projects, with a particular focus on our recently released CRISPR analysis system which truly enables a complete workflow from guide RNA design through NGS data analysis of on-and off target editing outcomes. We will also touch on some of our tools and upcoming new product lines, including:

  • Alt-R™ HDR Design Tool , Alt-R-HDR Donor Oligos and Donor Blocks
  • Alt-R HDR Enhancer V2
  • Alt-R-CRISPR fusion proteins, among others
  • Alt-R CRISPR gNRA libraries 

Event information


August 17–20, 2021


Eastern Standard Time



For more information use the link below

Event website